Monday, May 30, 2011

vitamin D.

girls have it rough.
original, i know.
but there are some things we can control in our lives, that make life, not so rough.
our legs for example.
yes, it is hard to change the shape of them, but we sure can change the feel of them.
my advice:
1. forget about all the advertisements for "sexy smooth leg" razors. they work, for about a day.
if you want a real smooth feeling, use the men razors. they cut closer to the skin, but don't actually cut the skin.
2. continue to use woman's shaving cream. woman's shaving cream tends to have more moisture, leaving your legs with a shiny look.
3. moisturize, moisturize, & well, moisturize.
4. drink lots of water. water makes your skin look healthier, & gives it a natural glow.

Monday, May 2, 2011

vanity did it to me.

prom season.
ohhh how i hated you.
until, of course, i was asked.
then i without a doubt loved you.
it starts with the perfect dress.
 the dress that will express your individuality.
the dress that will make you look outstanding.
after, the shoes.
high, but not too high.
shoes that will look those legs of yours look the best possible.
then, the accessories.
earrings. bracelets. rings.
not too much, but not too little. only the perfect amount will do.
after all your running around, & stressing, prom comes.
enjoy your day of vanity. you only have permission once a year for this.